
Love Live! was my first introduction to idols, I found out about it in passing on Tumblr, one particular person I followed posted about it enough that I eventually caved and watched the first season to see what all the hype was about. Needless to say, I fell deeply in love with the franchise.
I didn't play SIF until april of 2014, during the second seasons airing. It took a very long time for me to fully understand the game, but I still love and play it to this day.
Love Live is very important to me, I've meet my closest friends, picked up dancing, and participated in panels at conventions because of it. Love Live is what introduced me to idols, something that has brought me so much joy, and I can't thank the franchise enough for all the happiness it's brought to me.

SIF Friend ID: 654640568

I didn't know about Bandoris existence until a few days before the EN server was released. I heard about it from a close friend who played JP and asked if I was going to download it. I was unsure, SIF and Mirishita were a lot for me already, but only minutes after the game dropped on Google Play I was downloading it and found a new obsession. I hardly played anything else for about two weeks after it's release, but eventually I settled into managing time between all three.

Bandori Player ID: 162103

I got into Mirishita because a friend sent me a link to the MV for Kuraki Hoshi, Tooi Tsuki. That's it, that's the entire reason. That, and the fact that she kept telling me play it. Mirishita is actually my first introduction to IM@S, of course I knew of the franchises existence but I was never interested enough to check it out until then. I started playing February of 2018, the first event I remember being Nijiro Letters, and I watched the original IM@S anime not long after I started playing.

Mirishita Player ID: YR84LHKS

I keep up with seasonal anime and I found out about the Revue Starlight anime through reading the seasonal chart for summer 2018. It seemed interesting enough, another musical girl show but I decided to check it out because the premise seemed unique enough, but when the first episode aired I was floored by it and instantly fell in love, that's where my history with RevStar began. I started playing the game upon the English release and I've watched a few of the stage plays.

ReLive Player ID: 9507670616